Terms of use of tickets
Here is a reminder of the correct use of tickets and travel cards
General Information
Children under four are exempt from having a transport ticket. All other passengers need to have a validated ticket.
Make sure that the ticket is correct for your personal details and that it is valid for the zones where you wish to travel.
You should also validate the ticket before starting the journey and in all transfers you make, unless they are direct changes between metro lines. To help you identify whether the ticket has been correctly validated, the bus validating machines display a green light and emit a soft sound. On the other hand, when the ticket has not been validated, they display a red light and emit a loud sound. On the metro, the validating machines will not let you through the barrier if there is an error in validation. If your pass does not work as a result of a fault of the validating machines, contact a member of bus or metro staff, who will change it. Damaged cards for other causes will not give you the right to compensation nor to change it.
Finally, make sure that you keep the correctly validated ticket in good condition until the end of your journey. You should not throw it away until leaving the station, as you may be asked to show it by a member of staff.
If you need more detailed information on transport tickets or passes, go to the section Metro and bus fares.
Validity of transport passes
The Metropolitan Transport Authority (ATM) and the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona (AMB) establish the maximum temporal validity of tickets purchased during each year.
Expiration date of tickets purchased until January 14, 2025
Tickets purchased between January 15, 2024, and January 14, 2025 were valid until February 28, 2025, except for quarterly personalised passes, such as the T-jove and the T-70/90 FM/FN, which are valid until April 30, 2025.
T-4 purchased between January 1, 2024, and January 14, 2025 are valid until December 31, 2025.
The T-16 and the T-verda (free transport) cards have their own expiration dates.
Expiration date of purchased tickets from 15 January 2025
Expiration of tickets according to the conditions established by the ATM Board of Directors. The T-16 and the T-verda (free transport) cards have their own expiration dates.
Monthly validity
Passes with monthly validity allow you to travel for 30 days from the first validation.
The 30 days are calculated taking into consideration the entire day of the first validation, plus the following 29 days. The pass is therefore valid until the service closes on the last day. If the metro service closes after midnight on the last day, it will be valid until 3.59 h of the following day.
Quarterly validity
Passes with quarterly validity allow you to travel for 90 days from the first validation.
The 90 days are calculated taking into consideration the entire day of the first validation, plus the following 89 days. The pass is therefore valid until the service closes on the last day. If the metro service closes after midnight on the last day, it will be valid until 3.59 h of the following day.
What does fare integration allow you to do?
With an integrated pass (not a single ticket), you can transfer up to 3 times to other integrated means of transport, over a certain period of time, set by the number of zones of the card. For single-zone passes, the time limit is 75 minutes from the first validation. This time limit increases by 15 minutes for each additional zone.
Please bear in mind that a return journey or resuming your journey after interrupting it is considered as two journeys. Therefore, fare integration does not allow you to validate your ticket twice within the same journey on the Barcelona metro (or the FGC line), nor two consecutive bus validations on the same route.
How to calculate the number of zones
Apart from travel on which the metropolitan fare is applied, you can calculate the number of zones of the pass you need with the information about how the integrated tariff system works at the ATM website.
6-zone passes allow you to travel between all municipalities of the metropolitan transport area of Barcelona. You can see which they are on the map of zones.
Metropolitan fare
Maximum time to remain on the metro or bus
In the metro, your validated ticket or pass is valid for the following two hours.
On the bus, the validation gives the right to travel to the end of the route in the chosen direction (except on the Bus del Barri neighborhood routes and other circular lines, in which case you can complete the entire circuit).
Single-person, multi-person and personalised tickets
Single-person tickets (such as the T-casual) cannot be used simultaneously by more than one person, but it can be used by different people at different times. For example you can use the pass in the morning and anyone you give it to can use it in the afternoon.
Multi-person tickets can be used with your companions, as long as you travel together. To correctly share a multi-person pass (such as the T-grup and the T-familiar), the number of validations must match the number of people traveling together. On the metro, you should stay together for the whole journey, from the entry point station until leaving the metro premises. On buses, you may separate once on board, but the person carrying the pass must be the last one to get off the bus.
Personalised tickets can only be used by the named holder of the card. On the front of these passes, your ID number or an equivalent document number should be indicated. You should identify yourself with the documents required whenever you are asked to show the pass. Otherwise, it is deemed that you do not have a valid transport ticket and it may be withdrawn. The most common personalised passes are the T-16, the T-jove and the T-usual.
Personalised passes of single-parent or large families (FM/FN), are special cases, because apart from the ID or equivalent of the holder, these passes should also be accompanied by the original, valid single-parent or large family card (which should be shown when a staff member requests it).
Request invoices
How to get a simplified invoice
The metro ticket machines issue a simplified invoice for every purchase.
If you have purchased and validated a ticket with a contactless bank card on the bus or in a metro station, and you need a simplified or full invoice, you must register as a user on the Single ticket - Bank card website and record the payment cards you used. You will then be able to download a simplified invoice for every purchase made with each bank card.
Simplified invoices for purchases at metro station ticket machines and for digital tickets validated with a bank card allow you to request full invoices.
How to get a full invoice
For magnetic tickets and for digital tickets validated with a bank card:
- You can go to a Punt TMB with a previous appointment. You will have to provide the tax data (name of the person or company, DNI/NIE/NIF/CIF, and tax address) and provide the titles that must be invoiced.
For T-mobilitat:
- You can go to the CAI (T-mobility Service and Information Centre) located on Gran Via de l'Hospitalet de Llobregat avenue, no. 16-20, l'Hospitalet de Llobregat. The owner of the T-mobilitat Service and Information Center (CAI) is the ATM. In this center, complete invoices are made through the web form or the ATM's contact channels for T-mobilitat.
- You can go to a TMB Point with a prior appointment or by calling 900 701 149. On the day of the appointment you will have to provide the tax details (name of the person or company, DNI/NIE/NIF/CIF, and tax address) and carry the support.
Request an exchange
The tickets purchased between January 15, 2024, and January 14, 2025, can be exchanged for 2025 fare tickets. The tickets must not have been validated even once, and the price difference must be paid. The exchange can be requested between January 15 and April 30, 2025.
In addition to the fare change exchange, you can request the exchange of your tickets in the following situations:
- If the TMB metro or bus validators cannot read the magnetic stripe on the ticket or travel card, despite it being kept in good condition. In this case, you must present your ticket or travel card and you will receive another with the same characteristics: same ticket, number of zones and journeys or remaining days of validity. You can request an exchange from bus and metro staff as soon as you realise your ticket is not working properly. If it is a personalised ticket, and therefore non-transferable, you will need to show the original DNI, NIE or passport to prove the ticket belongs to you.
- If you have purchased a travel card through a TMB sales channel and it is not what you wanted and you have not used it, it can be exchanged for another same-priced card with the features that suit you at Punts TMB as long as the ticket you want to exchange is still valid.
Refund Policy
In general, a refund can be issued for any transport ticket as long as that ticket has not been validated and is within the period indicated in the terms and conditions for the refund of transport tickets.
What is the return period?
All integrated ATM tickets, as well as any single metro ticket and the single airport ticket, can be returned within 24 hours from the time of purchase (regardless of whether they are tickets with a magnetic strip or T-mobilitat tickets). This applies both to online purchases and purchases made via face-to-face channels such as metro vending machines, Punts TMB or T-mobilitat Kiosks
Refunds cannot be issued for single bus and metro tickets validated by bank card, as the purchase and validation are formalised on the spot. For more information, please see the Conditions of validation of the single bus ticket with bank card and the Conditions of validation of the single metro ticket with a bank card.
For more information of the purchase of Hola Barcelona Travel Card passes or other tourist tickets purchased on holabarcelona.com website or the Hola Barcelona app, check general conditions of online contracting.
How can a refund be obtained?
If you have made an online purchase at TMB, you can process the return by accessing the purchase history from the TMB Tickets website or TMB App and selecting the return option for the order you wish to return.
If you made the purchase at a physical channel, such as metro vending machines, Punts TMB, or Quioscos T-mobilitat, you can go to a Punt TMB to manage the return with the transport ticket you wish to return and the purchase receipt.
If you purchased your ticket(s) online through the holabarcelona.com website or the Hola Barcelona app, see how to return your ticket at Hola Barcelona FAQ.
Exception for ATM 2024 fare tickets
These are the ATM tickets purchased between January 15, 2024, and January 14, 2025.
Exceptionally, you can request a refund for these tickets until April 30, 2025. The requirement that the ticket has not been validated even once still applies.
If it is a T-mobilitat system ticket and you purchased it within the 180 days prior to the date you are requesting the return: access TMB Tickets website, go to the purchase history, select the ticket you wish to return, and choose the return option.
If it is a T-mobilitat system ticket and you purchased it more than 180 days before the date you are requesting the return: submit a claim through the specific form, indicating the order number, support number, ticket type, the date and time of purchase, and the email address of your T-mobilitat account. We will carry out the necessary steps to ensure you receive your refund as soon as possible.
If it is a magnetic stripe ticket (not part of the T-mobilitat system), you will need to go to a Punt TMB.