Register for T-mobilitat

Register for T-mobilitat
Connect to T-mobilitat! Sign up digitally
To enjoy all T-mobilitat services, you first need to sign up. You can do this online, following these steps.
- Sign up to become a user: You need to sign up on the online platform to manage T-mobilitat. At TMB, this platform is called JoTMBé. Log in to your JoTMBé account, or create one now.
- Link your JoTMBé account to your T-mobilitat user ID, if you already have one: if you do not have one yet, we will guide you step by step to create your T-mobilitat ID, or link it, if you already have one.
- Purchase transport supports and tickets: you can request your card pre-loaded with a travel ticket, and if you wish we can post it to you. If you prefer, you can use your mobile and upload your transport tickets via the TMB App.
Sign up with T-mobilitat
Discover the new contactless ticketing and validation system. There are lots of advantages with new features and online services to help you get around intelligently on public transport. Switch to T-mobilitat!
Get started now

Application to register minors
You can request the online registration for a minor via TMB Tickets, from the "Dependents" section of your T-mobilitat account.
You can also register it in person at Punts TMB and at Quiosc T-mobilitat, with a prior appointment. To make the process more efficient, bring all the documentation specified in the "What you need to know to register minors" section on the Appointment request form page.
Once the registration is confirmed, the minor will be assigned to your account and you will be able to make procedures on their behalf, such as purchasing supports and buying tickets. When the minor is of legal age, they can unlink their T-mobilitat account from yours.
Sign up with T-mobilitat in person
You can also sign up in person at T-mobilitat Kiosk, and you can get your personalised travel card there and then with a pre-loaded T-mobilitat transport ticket. If you are entitled to the discount for single-parent or large families, find out how to manage registration and activate your profile in How is it managed?
If you have any questions, just ask!
Do you know which supports you can choose?
We explain the supports for uploading and validating tickets
Learn about the procedures you can carry out via T-mobilitat
Find out how you can manage subsidies or supports and tickets for people under your care, as well as other procedures.