Line V23 bus - Nova Icària / Can Marcet
The occupancy levels on trains and buses is a theoretical estimate calculated from occupancy records. Is a guide to help you plan your trips.
See the estimated average occupancy levels.
The occupancy levels on trains and buses is a theoretical estimate calculated from occupancy records. Is a guide to help you plan your trips.
See the estimated average occupancy levels.
- Weekdays: From 05:30 h to 23:00 h.
- Saturdays: From 05:30 h to 23:00 h.
- Sundays and public holidays: From 08:30 h to 23:00 h.
The accuracy of this timetable depends on traffic conditions on public thoroughfares. To check bus frequencies and arrivals, click on each stop of the line. To find out in real-time bus arrivals, see the next buses on each stop’s page or iBus service. To find out how bus timetables operate, see the Operating hours page.
- Accessible bus route
The occupancy levels on trains and buses is a theoretical estimate calculated from occupancy records. Is a guide to help you plan your trips.
See the estimated average occupancy levels.
The occupancy levels on trains and buses is a theoretical estimate calculated from occupancy records. Is a guide to help you plan your trips.
See the estimated average occupancy levels.
- Weekdays: From 05:00 h to 22:00 h.
- Saturdays: From 05:10 h to 22:00 h.
- Sundays and public holidays: From 07:30 h to 22:00 h.
The accuracy of this timetable depends on traffic conditions on public thoroughfares. To check bus frequencies and arrivals, click on each stop of the line. To find out in real-time bus arrivals, see the next buses on each stop’s page or iBus service. To find out how bus timetables operate, see the Operating hours page.
- Accessible bus route
The occupancy levels on trains and buses is a theoretical estimate calculated from occupancy records. Is a guide to help you plan your trips.
See the estimated average occupancy levels.
The occupancy levels on trains and buses is a theoretical estimate calculated from occupancy records. Is a guide to help you plan your trips.
See the estimated average occupancy levels.
The accuracy of this timetable depends on traffic conditions on public thoroughfares. To check bus frequencies and arrivals, click on each stop of the line. To find out in real-time bus arrivals, see the next buses on each stop’s page or iBus service. To find out how bus timetables operate, see the Operating hours page.
- Accessible bus route
Stop | Change for |
The occupancy levels on trains and buses is a theoretical estimate calculated from occupancy records. Is a guide to help you plan your trips.
See the estimated average occupancy levels.
The occupancy levels on trains and buses is a theoretical estimate calculated from occupancy records. Is a guide to help you plan your trips.
See the estimated average occupancy levels.
The accuracy of this timetable depends on traffic conditions on public thoroughfares. To check bus frequencies and arrivals, click on each stop of the line. To find out in real-time bus arrivals, see the next buses on each stop’s page or iBus service. To find out how bus timetables operate, see the Operating hours page.
- Accessible bus route
Stop | Change for |
Route map
Route: line V23 - Barcelona Bus
In the direction of Can Marcet, the route departs from Carrer de Badajoz and follows Carrer de la Indepència to Carrer Sant Antoni Maria Claret, taking Carrer de Cartagena and Avinguda de la Mare de Déu de Montserrat. It continues along Carrer de Garriga i Roca and Carrer de Montserrat de Casanovas and then goes up Rambla del Carmel and Avinguda de l'Estatut de Catalunya, arriving at Avinguda de Can Marcet, where the itinerary ends.
In the direction of Poblenou, the itinerary is similar except in the Horta neighborhood, the bus travels along Carrer de Lisboa, Passeig de Maragall and Carrer del Llobregós, continuing on Carrer del Pedrell and Carrer d'Arc de Sant Martí to Avinguda de la Mare de Déu de Montserrat.At Hospital de Sant Pau, it goes down Carrer de Sant Quintí and Carrer del Dos de Maig, takes Carrer de Mallorca and then continues down Carrer de los Castillejos, arriving at Carrer de Badajoz.