Frequently asked questions
Basic information on the metro service and Montjuïc Funicular railway
What is the timetable of the metro network service?
You can check this on the web page Timetable.
How can I find out when the next train is due?
You can find out when the next metro is due at a specific station using the iMetro Next train. You can also check out iMetro Next train through the mobile phone app TMB App.
Where can I get a map of the metro network?
You can consult and download a map of the metro lines, stations, the degree of accessibility and connections between metro network lines and the FGC, Rodalies de Catalunya and TRAM at Metro Map.
Where can I find service information about the Montjuïc Funicular railway?
The funicular forms part of the metro network and connects with L2 and L3. If you go into the Montjuïc Funicular line, you will find all of the information you need, such as timings, route details and accessibility.
If you want to know the terms and conditions for travelling with pets, packages or bicycles, please consult Advice and rules for use.
Can I travel on public transport with animals, packages or bicycles?
Under Advice and rules for use, we give detailed explanations about the circumstances in which you can travel with animals, take bicycles on board and the types of packages you can carry.
How can I contact a member of the metro staff?
Should you be affected by an incident or wish to inquire about aspects of our services, you can contact metro staff through the intercom system.
What should I do in the event of an emergency on the metro?
Contact the metro staff or the security guards. You can also consult How to request assistance.
Where can I find information about disruptions to the metro service?
The Service Status section gives updated information so that you can plan your journey by TMB metro and bus:
- Alerts with information on how to get to the areas where upcoming major events and any foreseeable affects on services.
- Information on the status of the metro service in real time.
Also, on the Twitter profile @TMBinfo, you can find out in real time about unplanned disruptions to metro services on workdays from Mondays to Fridays between 07:00 and 20:00.
Basic information on the bus service
What is the timetable of the bus service?
To consult the timetable of each TMB bus route, you can go into the Bus Barcelona section, select the specific route, click on “Bus Stop Information” and choose the relevant day of the week.
To discover the general criteria for understanding the timetable, you can consult the Timetable web page.
How can I find out when the next bus is due?
You can find out when the next bus is due at a specific stop using the iBus Next bus service. You can consult iBus Next bus at the bus stop itself if it is equipped with information screens or through the mobile phone app TMBapp.
Where can I get a map of the bus network?
You can consult and download in PDF, a map of the bus network in this website. You can also consult the route and location of the bus stops on each TMB bus route in the Bus Barcelona section of this website.
Can I travel with animals, packages or bicycles?
Under Advice and rules for use, we give detailed explanations about the circumstances in which you can travel with animals, take bicycles on board and the types of packages you can carry.
What is a double bus stop?
We explain what a double bus stop is and other aspects of the bus service in How to travel by bus.
Can I transfer between different bus routes with the same ticket, as with the metro network?
No. The single ticket is not an integrated ticket and it is not allowed to make transfers that involve getting off the transport being used. In the metro, the only transfers permitted with a single ticket are those achieved by using the interior connecting corridors. You can consult further information regarding Ticket use conditions or the characteristics of each ticket on Tickets and fares.
Use of integrated tickets and cards
Consult how to use tickets and cards correctly in Terms of use of tickets.
What tickets and fares are available?
Check out the tickets and fares available at Tickets and fares.
When do transport tickets expire?
Check out Terms of use of tickets to learn about the validity of transport passes.
How can I benefit from the metropolitan fare?
The metropolitan fare allows public transport journeys to be made between the 36 municipalities of the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona (AMB) using single zone integrated travel passes, even though, according to the zone map, the municipalities are located in different zones.
You can check all the information about the metropolitan fare at Metropolitan fare page.
Until what age are children exempt from having to validate a transport ticket?
Children under four are exempt from having a transport ticket. All other passengers need to have a ticket suitable for their profile and the journey and validated.
Where can I buy a single bus ticket?
You can purchase and validate your single bus ticket in a single step using a contactless bank card.
Remember you can use any integrated travel card on buses. See them in Tickets and fares.
Does a single ticket include the right to make transfers?
Single tickets are not integrated and therefore transfers are not permitted between different bus routes or different types of transport. A single validated metro ticket permits you to transfer between different metro lines, so long as you use the connecting corridors to change lines.
How many transfers can I made with one validation of an integrated ticket?
With integrated travel passes for a limited number of journeys, it is possible to make up to three transfers (meaning up to four means of transport), independently of the number of zones covered by the pass. However, with the same validation, it is not possible to transfer from one bus to another one on the same route, nor enter the metro more than once.
A single zone travel pass allows you to make transfers for 75 minutes after the first validation. This limit increases by 15 minutes for each additional zone.
Unlimited, integrated travel passes do not have any limitation in the number of transfers nor the time slot during which they can be done.
Is it possible to buy a card for several people on the same journey?
Yes, several people can use the same card, as long as it is multi-personal, such as T-familiar or T-grup. It should also be correctly validated for the number of people travelling together. In the case of the metro, people travelling together should make the same trip from the start to leaving the metro. In the case of the bus, they can travel separately, but the person carrying the card should be the last to get off the vehicle.
Exchanges and invoices
What can I do if I make a mistake when purchasing a pass from a ticket vending machine?
See Request an exchange to know how, when and where you can request for the exchange of your ticket.
How do I get an invoice?
See the section Request invoice at Ticket terms of use page to find out how and where to get simplified and full invoices of tickets purchased at TMB.
T-4, Metropolitan Pink card, T-16, unemployed and single-parent and large families
What is the difference between free and reduced fares with the “Targeta rosa”?
There is a single annual charge for the free Targeta rosa pass to cover administration and compulsory passenger insurance. To use it correctly, you should validate the Targeta Rosa (have it stamped by the ticket reader machine) every time you use public transport. You should carry your ID card or an equivalent document to enable the name of the ticket holder to be checked against that of the user.
The reduced-fare Targeta Rosa gives you the right to use the T-4. The T-4 should be validated whenever you use public transport. You should always carry your Targeta Rosa along with your ID card, or any other document proving your identity.
A Targeta Rosa or any other free or reduced fare pass can be obtained depending on annual income and the municipality where the person is registered.
How does T-mobilitat affect the Metropolitan Pink Card and the Metropolitan Companion Pass?
The Barcelona Metropolitan Area (AMB, the body responsible for these social pricing tickets) is replacing the free fare Metropolitan Pink Card and the Companion Metropolitan Pass with the T-metropolitana free pink card and T-metropolitana companion pass.
You can see all the information on the specific detail pages.
How do I request the T-16 and know what to do in specific situations?
The T-16 is a personalised travel card valid for one zone for children and young people aged 4 –16. For more information and to apply for one, please visit the T-16 web page.
I am currently unemployed. Can I buy a cheaper transport pass?
Yes, consult the requirements you have to fulfil to be able to purchase the subsidised T-usual.
Is there a discount on travel passes for single-parent or large families?
Yes. There are some specific passes that are less expensive than the standard ones for single-parent families (FM) and large families (FN). There are two types of discount: a general category one for single-parent or large families and a special category one for single-parent or large families. Consult the requirements and terms of each pass in detail, by applying the “Families” filter of the web page Choose your ticket.
Purchase tickets online
Do I have to register?
In order to purchase through the website or TMB App, you are asked to be registered with JoTMBé. In this way, the system can inform you on:
- Purchase receipts
- Refund receipts
- Collection notifications
- Delivery of full invoices (on request)
- Shopping history
- Notification regarding approaching deadlines for collecting purchase codes
Additionally, being registered with JoTMBé allows you to enjoy benefits such as saving your favourite routes and journeys, earning points for your interactions and taking part in a whole host of promotions.
How does purchasing work?
When you purchase a ticket, you will receive a collection code on the website or application screen, and also by email. You then have to go to a distributing machine of the metro network, and enter the code to print out and collect the ticket. You can also consult this code in the option "My tickets" of your personal space if you have not already collected your ticket.
More information on Purchase tickets online.
General conditions for purchasing tickets online
What types of ticket can I buy?
If you purchase through the website, in the page, Tickets and fares, you will find a button to purchase the tickets and travel cards that are available online.
If you purchase with TMB App, you can access the tickets available from the menu option "Tickets".
If you want to purchase discounted tickets, confirm your identity the first time, by filling in the form. Once we have checked the documentation, we will activate the online purchase of your tickets
You can consult the periods that are activated to make your purchase in the tab "Active discounts" of your JoTMBé profile.
What payment methods can I use?
See Payment at General conditions for purchasing travel tickets through digital channels.
Who can I contact if necessary?
For queries regarding purchase processes, you can use the information form on the TMB website, specifying “Purchasing tickets online” as the subject matter.
How can I sign up with T-mobilitat and what supports are there?
You can sign up online with the TMB App or on the TMB Tickets website. You can also register in person, at the Quiosc T-mobilitat on the metro network, by requesting an appointment. If you are entitled to the discount for single-parent or large families, find out how to manage registration and activate your profile in How is it managed?
Once you have registered, you can choose a travel card format that will enable contactless loading and validation of your transport tickets: the pre-paid card or mobile device. You can buy a pre-paid card and have the mobile app at the same time if you like, but the two travel cards are not linked and work independently.
Find out how to buy a pre-paid card and how to use your mobile as a travel card on the Choose your support page.
Which tickets can I use with T-mobilitat? How do I purchase and manage them?
Almost all tickets from the Integrated Fare System (STI) are available for T-mobilitat. However, some still work the same way as before: they must be purchased at ticket vending machines and validated using the magnetic system.
Tickets available for T-mobilitat must be loaded onto the supports you have activated (rechargeable card and/or mobile phone). For now, you can carry one ticket plus one backup recharge of the same card.
Tickets can be purchased and loaded through the TMB App and at the network's ticket vending machines.
How can I load tickets to my travel card?
Find out the steps you need to follow to load tickets to the pre-paid card or to your mobile device from the TMB App in Buy and download tickets.
If you prefer to load tickets to your pre-paid card in person, you should use the vending machines on the metro network. The tickets will be loaded to your travel card immediately.
You can see the status of your tickets and view your purchase history in your personal area on the TMB Tickets website or on the TMB App, by phone or in person at a Punt TMB customer service.
If you load or top up online the wrong ticket, you can return it online within 24 hours of purchase as long as you haven't validated it. If you loaded or reloaded the ticket at the metro network's ticket machines, you must submit a complaint to request a refund. The complaint must be submited within 24 hours of loading/reloading the wrong ticket. At Punts TMB, they will deload the wrong ticket from your support. In all cases, the ticket must not have been validated even once.
How do I get T-mobilitat so that I can validate using my mobile phone?
T-mobilitat travel tickets can be validated on a mobile phone using an Android device with NFC or an iPhone. Learn how to use your iPhone as a support for the T-mobilitat.
- You will first need to register as a T-mobilitat user.
- After you receive confirmation of registration, you can then download the electronic wallet function from the TMB App, which will automatically be linked to your user and your mobile. Using the E-wallet requires a one-time payment of 1 euro.
- You can now download travel tickets to your E-wallet and use your mobile as a T-mobilitat device.
You will find all the information you need in the T-mobilitat section and on the How to use T-mobilitat page.
Getting to the airport
What are the public transport options for getting to the airport?
Line L9 Sud of the metro and bus route 46 will take you to terminals T1 and T2 of Barcelona Airport-El Prat.
For further information about public transport options connecting Barcelona with the airport including the valid tickets and passes, visit the web page From the airport by metro.
Bus on demand
How far in advance do I have to register my request?
Through the elMeuBus app or free phone number, you can schedule a booking at least 45 minutes in advance or request it to 'ride now’. ‘Riding now’ means that the bus will pass by your departure stop as soon as possible, bearing in mind any reservations already scheduled and the location of the bus.
In any event, it must always be possible to complete the requested routes within the bus service hours.
Can I make any journey within the area?
The on-demand bus service lets you travel between two stops in the area wherever that route is unavailable on a conventional bus route. Otherwise you will not be able to book an on-demand bus.
You can check out transport alternatives from TMB's Journey Planner.
What happens if I don’t have a mobile with internet connection?
Not having an internet connection via your mobile is no problem, as you can book by calling from any phone.
How can I modify or cancel a booking?
You can use the El meu Bus app and the contact phone number to cancel or modify your booking details, such as the number of passengers or if you are travelling with a pushchair. If you need to change the origin, destination, date or time, you should cancel the booking and make a new one.
What should I do if the bus doesn’t arrive?
If there is any delay or incident involving the bus picking you up, you will be notified via the app or using the phone number provided.
Can I repeat previous bookings?
Yes, using both the app and over the phone, you can easily repeat previous bookings.
Will I be informed if there is an incident involving my booking?
If there is any change in the service affecting your booking, we will inform you via the app or by phone.
More information on El Meu Bus section.
Lost property
What should I do if I find lost property while travelling on the metro or bus?
If you find lost property on the services managed by us (metro, bus, Montjuïc funicular railway, Montjuïc cable car, Barcelona Bus Turístic and Tramvia Blau), you can hand it in to the member of TMB staff on duty.
How can I get information about lost property on the bus or metro?
On the Lost Property page, you will find all the information you need if you have lost something on the metro, bus, Montjuïc funicular railway, Montjuïc cable car, Barcelona Bus Turístic or the Tramvia Blau.
Complaints and claims
How can I make a complaint, claim or suggestion?
Through any of the following options:
- By filling in the form provided on the web page Complaints, claims and suggestions.
- By filling in a claim form that you can obtain at any station of the metro network.
- By phoning the toll-free phone number.
What steps should I take if I have been asked to pay a minimum penalty of €100?
The section Infringments and statements explains the terms, the rebate and deadline for payment of minimum penalties for fraud. You will also find information on the procedure for submitting a statement (including the timescale available and the documentation you need to provide according to the circumstances).
What steps can I take if I have been identified as committing anti-social behaviour?
We only manage cases of infringements for fraud on the metro and bus. In the case of anti-social behaviour, we report the matter to the appropriate authority for them to open a case file. The notification you receive that a case file has been opened will give information on the method to use to submit a statement and the timescale involved.
JoTMBé user account
What does JoTMBé offer?
JoTMBé offers advantages and services so that you always have the personalised information you need, easily and quickly, when travelling on TMB public transport.
If you register in the personal area of JoTMBé, you can store your favourite routes, stops and stations, set your service status alerts and speed up your searches using your places and routes. You can also win prizes and rewards with the Points Program.
With JoTMBé, you can enjoy these services in your personal area, which can be accessed both from the TMB website, the TMB App and from any other device, either a computer, mobile phone or tablet.
How can I register in the personal area of JoTMBé?
You have the following options for registering for your personal space on JoTMBé:
- By using an email address and password.
- With Facebook or Google, using the access credentials to these networks. Once in the personal area you can, if you wish, set a password.
I already have a user account. Do I have to register again?
No. If you are already registered with JoTMBé, you don't need to register again. With the user account you have already created, you can access and enjoy all the services and advantages on offer.
Why can't I register for JoTMBé?
Check that your email address is correct. You may have written it incorrectly, or perhaps you already have another account created with this same address.
No es pot crear més d’un compte amb la mateixa adreça electrònica ni amb el mateix DNI/NIE/passaport.
I have forgotten the password of my JoTMBé account. How can I recover it?
If you can't remember the password of your JoTMBé account, follow the steps described below to reset it:
- Go into “Start session” and click on “Have you forgotten your password?”
- Next, enter the email address with which you registered for the personal area of JoTMBé and press the “Send” button.
- You will receive a message at this email address, with a link to create a new password. If this message to reset the password does not appear in your inbox, check that it is not in your junk email folder.
We recommend you to register with the email address you normally use, so that you remember it easily when logging in. Another option for easy access to your personal area is to enter through Facebook or Google.
I can't log in to my JoTMBé personal area. What might have happened?
If you can't access your personal area of JoTMBbé, it may be because your account is not yet activated. If, on entering your access data, the message “This user is not yet activated” appears, this means you have not activated your account. To do so, click on the link provided in the email you received when you registered. If you are unable to locate this email, even after looking in the junk mail folder, you can receive it again by clicking on “Have you forgotten your password?” in the “Start session” section.
Can I enter my JoTMBé personal area with a different login option?
You can access your area with a different login option than the one chosen when registering. However, please remember that the email address you provided when registering must be the same as the one associated with your Facebook and Google accounts if you want to access your personal area using either of these social networks. If the email address is different, a new user account will be created.
Can I also manage my queries and preferences with the TMB App?
Sí. You just have to identify yourself to the TMB App with your JoTMBé account to have access to your personal area. Here you will be able to manage and consult favourites, places and routes, along with your personal configuration, in the same way as on the TMB website.
JoTMBé Points Program
What is the JoTMBé Loyalty Program?
The JoTMBé Loyalty Program enables you to acquire exclusive benefits and gifts (entrance tickets for shows, transport tickets, etc.) according to the points you accumulate as an active user.
How does the Loyalty Program work?
The first step for joining the Loyalty Program is to register for JoTMBé. Once you have created an account, you can start to earn points by engaging in a series of actions. If you are an active user, your points total will increase and you will move up from a lower to a higher level (with level 4 being the highest). You qualify for different types of reward according to the level you have reached. The higher your level, the more benefits and advantages are available to you and you can enter for more exclusive prizes.
You can check all the information regarding your points history in the profile section of your personal area of JoTMBé.
What actions earn me points?
To qualify for JoTMBé Loyalty Program prizes and benefits you need to complete simple actions such as set your favourite bus routes, metro lines, stops and stations, activate service alerts, use the TMB App or buy tickets via the TMB App to get around Barcelona on public transport, among other interactions.
You will find the complete list of actions that earn points in the section How to obtain points. Check it regularly because we are continually adding new actions that can earn you points.
You can resolve any queries on how the points you earn are managed in the “Help” section of your personal area once you have started your JoTMBé session.
What are the services and advantages of the TMB App?
With TMB App you can move freely around Barcelona and the metropolitan area. It's completely free.
TMB App helps you find public transport and bicycle solutions, search for routes and nearby transport with the integrated ddTag scanner, check the waiting time at stops and the status of your favorite lines and stops. With TMB App you can also receive notices of changes to transport that will help you plan your journeys.
Buy, load and validate T-mobilitat tickets, get benefits from JoTMBé... and much more!
Find out about it on the TMB App page.