Conventions and agreements of the TMB companies
Agreements with Administration
153/2019 Agreement with Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat de Catalunya [PDF: 1847 KB]
82/2019 Agreement with Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona [PDF: 1553 KB]
36/2029 Agreement with Ajuntament de Barcelona, Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona, Autoritat del Transport Metropolitià, Ferrocarril del Besòs [PDF: 3739 KB]
11/2019 Agreement with Ajuntament de Barcelona [PDF: 1512 KB]
293/2018 Agreement with Ajuntament de Barcelona [PDF: 506 KB]
277/2018 Agreement with Ajuntament de Barcelona [PDF: 551 KB]
Other agreements with the Administration
Fundació TMB agreements
Addenda agreement with Gran teatre del Liceu [PDF: 237 KB]
Agreement with Parc d'atraccions Tibidado [PDF: 319 KB]
Agreement with Univeritat Pompeu Fabra [PDF: 157 KB]
Agreement with Tomando Conciencia [PDF: 173 KB]
Agreement with Consorci de l'Auditori i l'Orquestra [PDF: 188 KB]
Agreement with the Comissió d'Ajuda al Refugiat [PDF: 176 KB]
Agreement with the Teatre Lliure - Línia Rojo Clavel [PDF: 250 KB]
Agreement with CCMA - Subtravelling [PDF: 110 KB]
Agreement with the Institut de Salut Global de Barcelona (ISGB) [PDF: 104 KB]
Agreement with the Agrupació fotogràfica de Catalunya [PDF: 111 KB]
Agreement with the Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya [PDF: 1357 KB]
Agreement with the Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona (MACBA) [PDF: 2731 KB]
Agreement with the Fundació Privada Orfeò Català - Palau de la Música [PDF: 4007 KB]
Conveni amb el Gran Teatre del Liceu [PDF: 3517 KB]
Agreement with Mútua General de Catalunya [PDF: 83 KB]
Agreement with Neumáticos Soledad [PDF: 105 KB]
Agreement with Saleon (Illa Fantasia) [PDF: 148 KB]
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